建築家佐山と写真家佐藤がテーマに沿って楽曲をセレクトします。トークと楽曲で約2時間。今週のテーマはズバリ【SKY !】。佐山、佐藤、たぁ、Takaが、一枚の写真をセレクト。その写真から連想される楽曲を選びました。どんなトークが飛び出すか。おたのしみに。MCはたぁ。通訳サポートは写真家のTaka Nakazawa。いざっ!イメージフォト付きセットリストへのリンクはmarehito sayamaのTwitterにはっておきます。
On every friday night, 21:30-24:00 JST, an architect Marehito Sayama and a photographer Makoto Sato select musical pieces along the weekly theme and present them with commentary. The theme this week is “SKY”. Sayama, Sato, Taa and Taka have picked up special shots of sky and songs along each photograph. What are the song list and talk along the tunes going to be like? The MC Taa would moderate the program. And Taka might appear as a supporter.Please feel free to join us and enjoy two and a half hours.Check out the tonight’s set list and images prepared for each song on Twitter account of Marehito Sayama.Click the green button in the profile page of Marehito Sayama in the ClubHouse.
Tonight’s set list:
01.Mr. Lonely by Franck Pourcel and his Grand Orchestra (1967)/m.sayama

02.Sky High/Jigsaw (1975)/m.sato

03.ムーンライトステーション/SEKAI NO OWARI (2015)/m.sayama

Moonlight Station by SEKAI NO OWARI -End of the World-

Blue Sky Blue by Hideki Saijo
05.虹/電気グルーヴ (1995)/m.sayama

Niji: Rainbow by Denki Groove
06.A Perfect Sky/BONNIE PINK (2006)/m.sato

07.すてきな午後は/山下達郎 (1977)/m.sayama

Suteki na Gogo wa: A Lovely Afternoon by Tatsuro Yamashita
08.青空/ブルーハーツ (1988)/たぁ Taa

Aozora: Blue Sky by Blue Hearts
09.雨上がりの夜空に/清志郎 & ヒロト(不明)/m.sayama

Ameagari no Yozora ni: In the Night Sky After the Rain by Kiyoshiro Imawano and Hiroto Komoto
10.星空のディスタンス/the ALFEE(1984)/m.sato

Hoshizora no Distance: Baby Come Back by the ALFEE
11.Almost Blue/Chet Baker(1988)/m.sayama


Sous le ciel de Paris by Juliette Gréco
13.Don’t Know Why/Norah Jones (2002)/TAKA

14.Cantaloupe Island/Herbie Hancock (1996)/m.sayama
