On every friday night, 21:30-24:00 JST, an architect Marehito Sayama and a photographer Makoto Sato select musical pieces along the weekly theme and present them with commentary. The theme this week is “My fetishism! I’m enthusiastic to the sound of something…” Marehito declared that he does have a drums sound fetish and Makoto does have a piano sound fetish. What’s the talk along the tunes going to be like? The MC Taa would moderate the program. And Taka might appear as a supporter. Please feel free to join us and enjoy two and half hours. Check out the tonight’s set list on Twitter account of Marehito Sayama. Click the green button in the profile page of Marehito Sayama in the ClubHouse.
Tonight’s set list:
01.Freedom Jazz Dance/The Great Jazz Trio(1977)/m.sayama

02.私はピアノ/高田みづえ(1980)/m.sato Watashi ha Piano: I’m a piano by Mizue Takada

03.My Generation/The Who (1965年)/m.sayama

04.みずいろの雨/八神純子(1979)/m.sato Mizuiro no Ame: Pale Blue Rain by Junko Yagami

05.Honky Tonk Women/The Rolling Stones(1969)/m.sayama

06.恋におちて/小林明子(1985)/m.sato Koi ni Ochite: Fallen in Love by Akiko Kobayashi

007.All Right Now/Free(1970)/m.sayama

08.ひとつだけ/矢野顕子※Requested by Taka Nakazawa(1996)/m.sato Hitotsudake: Only one thing that I want by Akiko Yano

09.Rock And Roll/LED ZEPPELIN(1971)/m.sayama

10.コスモスアベニュー/松岡直也(1986)/m.sato Cosmos Avenue by Naoya Matsuoka


12.雨音はショパンの調べ/小林麻美(1984)/m.sato I like Chopin by Asami Kobayashi

13.Every Breath You Take/The Police(1983)/m.sayama

14.手紙~拝啓 十五の君へ~/アンジェラ・アキ(2009)/m.sato Haikei Juugono Kimi E: Letter to my 15 year old Self by Angela Aki

15.Sweet Georgia brown/The Great Jazz Trio(2006)/m.sayama
