Commercial songs accompany the flow of time. Those songs and jingles remind us of the old days. And memories of both good and bad times come across our mind when we listen to those songs. Even though we’ve totally forgotten such past days, some specific songs let us recall those old days clearly as if they happened just yesterday. This week we’ve selected our memorable commercial songs and made track lists. Let’s dive into the world of nostalgic sound.It’s a long autumn night.
01.Kanpai Rager/Chousuke Ikariya [Kirin Rager Beer](2003)/m.sayama

02.I FEEL COKE/Chikuzen Sato [Coca- Cola](1988)/TAKA

03.天国と地獄 序曲/ひばり合唱団 [文明堂](1962)/Taa
Tengoku to Jigoku [Heaven and hell overture] / Hibari gashoudan [Bunmeido]

04. モノクローム・ヴィーナス/Satoru Ikeda [alto suzuki](1986)/occhi
Monochrome Venus/Satoru Ikeda [alto suzuki]

05. いまのキミはピカピカに光って/Tetsuo Saito [MinoltaX7](1980)/m.sato
You of now shine PIKA PIKA/Tetsuo Saito [MinoltaX7](1980)

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06.CITY CONNECTION/Terumasa Hino [Suntry White](1979)/m.sayama

07.チェルシーの唄/シモンズ [明治チェルシー](1971)/TAKA
Song of Chelse/Simmons[Meiji Chelse]

08.夜がくる/Asei Kobayashi [Suntry Old](1968)/Taa
When Night Comes/Asei Kobayashi [Suntry Old]

09.太陽・神様・少年/Kimiko Noda [Minoltaα7000](1987)/m.sato
The sun, God, Boy/Kimiko Noda [Minoltaα7000]

10. すごい男の唄/George Yanagi [Suntry beer](1987)/Hirotaka
Song of the great man/George Yanagi [Suntry beer]

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11.Double Bass/Ron Carter [Suntry White](1985)/m.sayama

12.To Feel The Fire/Stevie Wonder [Kirin FIRE](1999)/TAKA

13.High Hopes/Panic! At The Disco [Honda accored](2020)/Taa

14.エイリアンズ/Kirinji [LINE mobile](2017)/kasumi.s
Aliens/Kirinji [LINE mobile]

15.勇気のしるし~リゲインのテーマ~/Saburouta Ushiwakamaru [Regain](1991)/m.sato
Theme … of mark … Regain of the courage/Saburouta Ushiwakamaru [Regain]

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16.Go Home Girl/Ry Cooder [Pioneer](1982)/m.sayama

17.SKY’s The Limit/ぼくのりりっくのぼうよみ [資生堂アネッサ](2017)/TAKA
SKY’s The Limit/Bokunoririkunobouyomi[shiseido anesa]

18.日曜日よりの使者+Bonus Truck/THE HIGH-LOWS [Honda Super Cub]/Taa
Nichiyoubi Yorino Shisha “Messenger from Sunday”/THE HIGH-LOWS [Honda Super Cub]

19.Encore/YOASOBI [Google Pixel 5・4a(5G)](2021)sakura.s

20. いつまでも変わらぬ愛を/Tetsuro Oda [Pocari Sweat](1992)/m.sato
Itsumademo Kawaranu Aiwo [Forever lasting love] Tetsuro Oda [Pocari Sweat]

21.ウィスキーが、お好きでしょ/Gospellers [Suntry Kaku Highball](2009)/Xiao
Do you like whiskey/Gospellers [Suntry Kaku Highball]

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22. いい日旅立ち/Momoe Yamaguchi [Kokutetsu](1978)/Hirotaka
Iihi Tabidachi [I leave on a good day]/Momoe Yamaguchi [Kokutetsu]
